Actividades formativas de doctorado
RI005ICT-assisted Control of Industrial Processes
Organiza: Luis Fernández Sanz - Grupo de Investigación TIFyC

Inscripción en:
(en este momento no hay plazo abierto para preinscripción en este curso)

Coordinación: Luis Fernández Sanz
Plazas ofertadas: 30
Duración: 2 horas     Tipo: Rama de conocimiento
Modalidad: Mixta (Presencial + virtual)

Lugar de impartición: Escuela Politécnica Superior

Fechas de impartición
28 de marzo de 2023, de 12:00-14:00 horas

Alumnos del programa y de la rama de conocimiento

Descripción general
ICT can effectively assist in the control of industrial processes with evident advantages of effectiveness and efficiency. The presentation will describe two case studies succesfully implemented in industry:
  1. Methods for control of some critical situations afferent of a 13 C isotope separation column
  2. Quality Control in Porcelain Industry based on Computer Vision Techniques

1.    Methods for control of some critical situations afferent of a 13 C isotope separation column
-     Separation column’s control problems
-     Presenting the process and the application of simulation
-     Model of the 13C separation column
-     Modelling approach for mission critical situation detections of the 13C separation column
2.    Quality Control in Porcelain Industry based on Computer Vision Techniques
-     Optimizing of the manufacturing process of porcelain
-     reducing the manufacturing time at each processing phase
-     optimizing the production efficiency by eliminating defective products
-     improving the monitoring and control system of the entire flow by adding new functionalities to the current computer vision system
-     increasing the innovation capacity of the economic agent

Dr. Maria Loredana Oroian-Boca, 

PhD Lecturer at “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, Romania, Informatics, Mathematics and Engineering Department since 2008, teaching courses on Formal Language and Automata, Digital Integrate Circuits, Pattern Recognition, Software Systems Validation and Numerical Control Systems.Erasmus Coordinator of in-coming and out-coming teachers and students for Engineering and Informatics fields.

Researcher in projects like: 
  1. Experimental and clinical studies on Radon in the central Transylvania counties and its impact on the human and animal morphological and physiological breathing system  - NP2
  2. Increase of HIGHTECH performances in the working life of young graduates, through practical training programmers in companies, EUROPEAN SOCIAL FUND, SOP HRD
  3. New employment opportunities by TELEWORKING in the rural areas


Sesión única de presentación en modalidad híbrida (presencial y remota) con turno de debates y preguntas al final

Sistema de evaluación

Asistencia presencial o a través de Collaborate (con informe de conexión) y superar la prueba de preguntas sobre la presentación disponible en el correspondiente curso de Aula Virtual