Actividades formativas de doctorado
D441006Self-Supervised Depth Completion for Active Stereo Systems

Inscripción en:
(en este momento no hay plazo abierto para preinscripción en este curso)

Coordinación: Luis Miguel Bergasa Pascual
Plazas ofertadas: 25
Duración: 1 horas     Tipo: Específico
Modalidad: Presencial

Lugar de impartición: Sala 1 del Dpto de electrónica

Fechas de impartición
10 de marzo 2023 (12:30 a 13:30)

Descripción general

Active stereo systems are used in many robotic applications that require 3D information. These depth sensors, however, suffer from stereo artefacts and do not provide dense depth estimates. In this talk I will present a self-supervised depth completion method for active stereo systems that predicts accurate dense depth maps. Our method leverages a feature-based visual inertial SLAM system to produce motion estimates and accurate (but sparse) 3D landmarks. The 3D landmarks are used both as model input and as supervision during training. The motion estimates are used in a novel reconstruction loss that relies on a combination of passive and active stereo frames, resulting in significant improvements in textureless areas that are common in indoor environments. I will show some results and conclusions plus a live demo of the depth completion system.





Pablo Fernández Alcantarilla