Actividades formativas de doctorado
D404009Literature in English language learning. New avenues in research and practice.
Organiza: Silvia García Hernández

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Coordinación: Silvia García Hernández
Plazas ofertadas: 15
Duración: 8 horas     Tipo: Específico
Modalidad: Presencial

Lugar de impartición: Pendiente de confirmar

Fechas de impartición
12 de mayo de 2023

Doctorandos interesados en la enseñanza de idiomas y la formación de profesorado de idiomas

Descripción general

This seminar will give participants the opportunity to learn about the importance of using literature as a useful resource to teach a foreign language, not only to improve the linguistic and communicative competence of learners, but also for its benefits in improving reading habits, developing intercultural competence or promoting critical thinking.


Through different lectures and workshops, ideas for the promotion of the use of literature in the teaching of English will be presented, bringing the participants closer to different research and teaching perspectives proposed by international experts in the field.


Alberto Lázaro Lafuente, Universidad de Alcalá
Daniel Candel Bormann, Universidad de Alcalá
Catherine Watts, University of Heidelberg, Shanghai University and Universidad de Alcalá
Amos Paran, University College London
Michele Guerrini, MCG Network


The methodology will be participative, promoting students' participation and interaction with the speakers.

Sistema de evaluación

Online questionnaire administered at the end of the seminar.