Actividades formativas de doctorado
RI004Deep Learning for Object Recognition and Localisation in Images and Videos
Organiza: Alfredo Gardel Vicente.

Inscripción en:
(en este momento no hay plazo abierto para preinscripción en este curso)

Plazas ofertadas: 24
Duración: 10 horas     Tipo: Rama de conocimiento
Modalidad: Presencial

Lugar de impartición: Oeste Lab OL5 - Edificio Politécnico

Fechas de impartición
13 y 14 de febrero de 2023 (15:30-18:30)

Descripción general

Early career researchers / PhD students will learn how to apply deep learning techniques to detect, recognize and locate distinct objects from images and video sequences. Python and OpenCV will be used.

Place: Oeste Lab OL5 - Edificio Politécnico,-3.348754


1. Review of computer vision and deep learning concepts

- Definition of computer vision and related problems

- Image formation

        - Brief overview of traditional methods

  - Brief overview of deep learning methods


2. Object recognition

- Problem definition

- Traditional methods

- Convolutional neural networks for image classification (AlexNet, ResNet, DenseNet)

- Transformer networks for image classification (Vision Transformers)

- Evaluation of image classifiers

- Fine-tuning

- Python implementation of object recognition pipelines


3. Object detection

- Problem definition

- Traditional methods

- Two-stage detectors (R-CNN family)

- Single-stage detectors (YOLO)

- Efficient deep learning-based detectors

- Evaluation of object detectors


4. Object tracking

- Problem definition

- Traditional methods

- Offline vs Offline-online trackers

- Siamese network-based trackers

- Deep discriminative trackers


5. Final practice (homework)


The course will be taught by Dr. Matteo Dunnhofer a Giner de los Rios research visiting fellow from University of Udine , Italy, together with Prof. Alfredo Gardel (UAH) (


Classes will be taught on-site in a laboratory from Electronics dpt. at the Polytechnic School (UAH).

Additional studying material will be provided to participants.

Final practice homework (about 4hours)

Sistema de evaluación

Course participation and activities follow-up.

Final practice assessment (done offline, after on-site classes).