Actividades formativas de doctorado
M6059Dealing with Diversity. Making Diversity 'Work' - EUGLOH

Inscripción en:
(en este momento no hay plazo abierto para preinscripción en este curso)

Plazas ofertadas: 50
Duración: 1 horas     Tipo: Transversal
Módulo VI - Trayectoria profesional del doctorando
Modalidad: Online

Lugar de impartición: Online

Fechas de impartición
12 de noviembre de 2024 (18:00-19:00)

Estudiantes de doctorado

Descripción general

What, at all, is diverse? Whilst the noun diversity refers to a range and/or variety of things, in literature on Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) it is often used interchangeably with these concepts which indicates that diversity ultimately is about the vision of co-creating inclusive sustainable environments in which ‘all’ that is and exists can be accommodated and about the policies that can help us get there. Making diversity ‘work’ isn’t necessarily easy. Companies bet on diverse teams because of the creative and innovative potential the aspect of diversity seems to promise but managing diversity can be quite challenging. How, then, can we make diversity ‘work’ in the professional and/or private environments we belong to? Intercultural competence is a core skill and key asset in the globalized realities we share in the sense that (cultural) differences have become a structural feature of our everyday lives and we need to find ways to deal with that. Intercultural competence can help us do that but making diversity really ‘work’ requires more of us: it needs us to ‘build’ and co-create inclusive structures of belonging in which we ‘all’ can thrive which not only means that it will become necessary to deepen our understanding of intercultural competence towards inclusivity and belonging, it also needs us to co-create shared visions of how we can live and work together peacefully in such a way that we ‘all’ can thrive. In my lecture, I would like to invite you to join me in the journey towards a truly inclusive world. 

PhD students must register on Datres and in the EUGLOH organizers´ website:

Dr. Kari van Dijk and Csilla Ducrocq,

Selección de estudiantes

PhD students must register on Datres and in the EUGLOH organizers´ website:

After completing the course, students must send the certificate to validate the activity on Datres (

Información adicional
  • Esta Actividad se ofrece de forma gratuita, pero la asistencia al 80% de las sesiones es obligatoria si se desea que compute como actividad trasversal en el Documento de Actividades.
  • Dado el número limitado de plazas, se espera que aquellos estudiantes que se preinscriban y sean admitidos, asistan a la actividad formativa. Si no es posible la asistencia, se deberá anular la inscripción con la suficiente antelación. De no hacerlo así, se pondrá en conocimiento de los tutores, directores y Comisión Académica correspondientes, y se perderá la prioridad para inscribirse en las siguientes actividades transversales de doctorado.
  • La EDUAH garantiza la realización de un 5% de sus actividades transversales ofertadas en un curso académico a aquellos estudiantes que acrediten documentalmente un grado de discapacidad igual o superior al 33 %. El estudiantado en esta situación podrá acceder a una de las actividades ofertadas por la EDUAH atendiendo a esta circunstancia y podrán solicitar la admisión al resto de las actividades formativas transversales en igualdad de condiciones del resto de los estudiantes de doctorado.