Actividades formativas de doctorado
M6064Course about entrepreneurship and innovation for PhD candidates | EUGLOH
Organiza: UiT – The Arctic University of Norway (UiT)

Inscripción en:
(en este momento no hay plazo abierto para preinscripción en este curso)

Coordinación: Yajie Liu, UiT The Arctic University of Norway -
Plazas ofertadas: 2
Duración: Por determinar     Tipo: Transversal
Módulo VI - Trayectoria profesional del doctorando
Modalidad: Mixta (Presencial + virtual)

Lugar de impartición: UiT – The Arctic University of Norway (UiT)

Fechas de impartición
16 Feb 2025 09:00 - 2 Jun 2025 16:00

Estudiantes de Doctorado

Descripción general

In this course, participants will have many opportunities to engage in discussions and student-led activities, and to build relationships with each other and instructors from UiT, UPorto, academic entrepreneurs, and representatives from funding organizations.

This course provides Ph.D. candidates with a unique chance to extend their international network, prepare for a successful entrepreneurial career, and experience the midnight sun at the same time.

The course is structured with an online component that can be completed flexibly and at the learner´s own pace, consisting of video lectures, exercises and assessments, followed by an intensive one-week program in Tromsø, Norway. The participants will get the opportunity to develop an entrepreneurial mindset, learning how innovation works, and how to identify opportunities that can lead to commercialization in their research work.

The intensive week will include a combination of lectures, assignments, guest lectures held by academic entrepreneurs, and presentations in plenary sessions. Using a challenge-based approach, participants will have the opportunity to test their creative problem-solving skills by working in groups.

Participants must complete the online module. They must also participate in at least 80% of the intensive course program. In addition, it is also required to submit a pre-assignment which contains answers about research background, motivation, expectations, and previous entrepreneurship experience.

At the end, participants will have an oral exam in the form of a final pitch, presenting solutions to challenges they have been working on. This, along with a written report, will be evaluated by peers and an expert panel and constitute part of a final assessment.

Isced fields of study0212 - Fashion, interior and industrial design, 0311 - Economics, 0413 - Management and administration, 0414 - Marketing and advertising, 108 - Interdisciplinary programmes involving broad field 10: Services

Registration process

Steps to successfully registering before the deadline:
- Step 1. Registration on Datres platform.
- Step 2. Registration on EUGLOH website (

IMPORTANT - In order to finally participate in the activity you must receive confirmation of the allocation of a place from both Datres and from the organizing university.

Selección de estudiantes
Qualitative Assessment

50% - Academic / Professional Background 50% - Entrepreneurial idea

Información adicional

Please note that the selected participants will get a scholarship for travel and subsistence. These participants should contact the EUGLOH team to get more information - EUGLOH University of Alcala:

  • Esta Actividad se ofrece de forma gratuita, pero la asistencia al 80% de las sesiones es obligatoria si se desea que compute como actividad trasversal en el Documento de Actividades.
  • Dado el número limitado de plazas, se espera que aquellos estudiantes que se preinscriban y sean admitidos, asistan a la actividad formativa. Si no es posible la asistencia, se deberá anular la inscripción con la suficiente antelación. De no hacerlo así, se pondrá en conocimiento de los tutores, directores y Comisión Académica correspondientes, y se perderá la prioridad para inscribirse en las siguientes actividades transversales de doctorado.
  • La EDUAH garantiza la realización de un 5% de sus actividades transversales ofertadas en un curso académico a aquellos estudiantes que acrediten documentalmente un grado de discapacidad igual o superior al 33 %. El estudiantado en esta situación podrá acceder a una de las actividades ofertadas por la EDUAH atendiendo a esta circunstancia y podrán solicitar la admisión al resto de las actividades formativas transversales en igualdad de condiciones del resto de los estudiantes de doctorado.