Actividades formativas de doctorado
M2014Management and Coordination of EU Funded Projects with the PM² Methodology - PM²4EUfunds
Organiza: University of Novi Sad

Inscripción en:
(en este momento no hay plazo abierto para preinscripción en este curso)

Plazas ofertadas: 4
Duración: 12 horas     Tipo: Transversal
Módulo II - Gestión de la investigación
Modalidad: Online

Fechas de impartición
23 y 24 de mayo de 2024

Estudiantes de la Escuela de Doctorado en la Universidad de Alcalá

Descripción general

Management and Coordination of EU Funded Projects with the PM² Methodology - PM²4EUfunds

Developing Project Management Skills based on the PM² Methodology of the European Commission

The aim of this course is to familiarize students with the principles and practices of the PM² project management methodology, emphasizing its application in the context of EU-funded projects. By the end of the course, students should be ready to undertake the PM² Basic Certification and apply their knowledge in real-world EU project scenarios, equipping them for potential future roles in this niche area of project management.

This dynamic two-day course is tailored for students aspiring to delve into the realm of EU-funded project management, introducing them to the foundational concepts of the PM² Project Management Methodology developed by the European Commission.

With an emphasis on real-world applicability, students will be guided through the core phases of project management within the EU framework: initiating, planning, executing, monitoring, controlling, and closing. Through engaging case studies, simulations, and interactive discussions, students will gain hands-on exposure to critical components such as stakeholder communication, risk assessment, project governance vital for EU project success. As EU Funded Projects often have a global impact, understanding how to manage these projects effectively using standardized methodologies ensures better outcomes and can positively influence global health projects.


Participants can anticipate an enriching two-day journey immersed in the world of EU-funded project management, guided by highly skilled tutors with extensive experience, particularly in the EU context. Our course is designed to captivate your interest, offering a deep dive into EU project management utilizing the PM² Methodology.

Upon completing this immersive experience, participants will emerge with a comprehensive understanding of EU-funded project management, honing practical skills through engaging case studies, interactive simulations, and stimulating discussions. This course is not just about learning; it's about acquiring the expertise and confidence needed to excel in EU project management.

Plus, as a testament to their accomplishments, participants will receive a prestigious certificate to showcase their newfound proficiency.

  1. Knowledge and understanding:
    • Articulate the unique attributes of EU-funded projects.
    • Understand the core principles of the PM² Methodology.
    • Recognize the purpose and structure of PM² templates.
  2. Skills and abilities:
    • Draft a project plan using PM² guidelines for an EU-focused scenario.
    • Apply PM² templates effectively in project documentation.
    • Conduct a mock kick-off meeting and manage stakeholders in a simulated environment.
    • Design a risk management strategy for a hypothetical project.
    • Adjust project direction based on performance metrics and feedback.
  3. Attitudes and values:
    • Value the importance of transparency and governance in EU-funded projects.
    • Embrace a results-oriented approach prioritizing outcomes.
  4. Application and transfer:
    • Apply PM² principles in diverse EU project scenarios.
    • Implement tailored communication strategies for project stakeholders.
    • Finalize a simulated project, ensuring end-phase criteria are met.
  5. Certification preparedness:
    • Complete a mock PM² Basic Certification exam, indicating readiness for the official certification.

Competencias básicas y capacidades
  • Critical thinking
  • Financial & legal literacy
  • Ethics & responsability
  • Knowledge into action
  • Creativity & problem solving
  • Communication & collaboration
  • Leadership & social impact

Selección de estudiantes

Registration in Datres and in organizers Platform ( Los alumnos deben inscribirse en Datres y en la plataforma de los organizadores (

La aceptación en la plaza será confirmada por la Universidad de Novi Sad. Desde la Escuela de Doctorado nos pondremos en contacto con los alumnos inscritos de la Universidad de Alcalá, para confirmar si fueron admitidos.

Información adicional
  • Esta Actividad se ofrece de forma gratuita, pero la asistencia al 80% de las sesiones es obligatoria si se desea que compute como actividad trasversal en el Documento de Actividades.
  • Dado el número limitado de plazas, se espera que aquellos estudiantes que se preinscriban y sean admitidos, asistan a la actividad formativa. Si no es posible la asistencia, se deberá anular la inscripción con la suficiente antelación. De no hacerlo así, se pondrá en conocimiento de los tutores, directores y Comisión Académica correspondientes, y se perderá la prioridad para inscribirse en las siguientes actividades transversales de doctorado.
  • La EDUAH garantiza la realización de un 5% de sus actividades transversales ofertadas en un curso académico a aquellos estudiantes que acrediten documentalmente un grado de discapacidad igual o superior al 33 %. El estudiantado en esta situación podrá acceder a una de las actividades ofertadas por la EDUAH atendiendo a esta circunstancia y podrán solicitar la admisión al resto de las actividades formativas transversales en igualdad de condiciones del resto de los estudiantes de doctorado.