Actividades formativas de doctorado
M2006Create – Protect – Innovate: Bringing ideas to market
Organiza: EPO (European Patent Office)

Inscripción en:
(en este momento no hay plazo abierto para preinscripción en este curso)

Plazas ofertadas: 40
Duración: 75 horas     Tipo: Transversal
Módulo II - Gestión de la investigación
Modalidad: Online

Fechas de impartición
02.04.2024 – 18.06.2024

Estudiantes de la Escuela de Doctorado en la Universidad de Alcalá

Descripción general

Create – Protect – Innovate: Bringing ideas to market (Level Entry) - e-learning centre | e-learning centre (

▪ Self-paced modules
▪ Quizzes
▪ Live sessions
▪ Tutored forum
▪ Final assignment
The course "Create – Protect – Innovate: Bringing ideas to market" developed by the European Patent Office is aimed at master’s and PhD students and will teach you how to protect inventions and bring them to market and provide you with valuable insights into the world of innovation. It consists of two parts (entry and advanced level), each containing five self-paced modules.
The course offers you unique opportunities to follow inventors' real-life stories, understand why and how they patent their inventions and learn how intellectual property rights (IPRs) can be integrated into business strategies. Each module is based on a carefully selected set of case studies, many of which involve inventors who have been nominated for or won the European Patent Office’s European Inventor Award.
You can independently complete the modules at your own pace. The modules consist of high-quality videos, podcasts and interactive educational elements. These explain the theory behind new concepts and provide exercises and case studies to help learners consolidate their knowledge. There is also a multiple-choice quiz at the end of each module. In addition, a wide variety of resources are included for further study. A final assignment, marked by experts in intellectual property (IP), will serve to test your knowledge.
Through a unique platform, tutored forum and interactive live sessions, you will meet different IP experts. If you complete all relevant activities, you will be awarded an official EPO certificate .

Students must register on Datres and on the organizers` platform.  

Course Registration Link:

Access Code: AU01-2024_M9n!


Registration deadline : 20 March 2024!!!


Self-paced modules; Live sessions

You can independently complete the modules at your own pace. The modules consist of high-quality videos, podcasts, and interactive educational elements. These explain the theory behind new concepts and provide exercises and case studies to help learners consolidate their knowledge. There is also a multiple-choice quiz at the end of each module. In addition, a wide variety of sources are included for further study. final assignment, marked by experts in intellectual property (IP), will serve to test your knowledge.

The live sessions will take place between 16:00 and 17:30 CET. Students can opt for one of the two available dates for each of the live sessions.

Timeframe for students


Activity                                                                                      Date

Register to the Academy e-centre                                       By 20 March

Course-room opens                                                                2 April

Live session 1                                                                           15 or 17 April (16:00-17:30 h)

Live session  2                                                                          29 or 30 April (16:00-17:30 h)

Live session  3                                                                          13 or 15 May (16:00-17:30 h)

Final exercise published                                                        17 May

Final exercise submission deadline                                    23 May

Grades published                                                                   3 June

Course ends*                                                                           18 June


*The end of the course is marked by the last day on which students can download the certificate.

Selección de estudiantes

Students must register on Datres and on the organizers` platform.  

Sistema de evaluación


If you complete all relevant activities (quizzes, forum participation, live sessions, and final exercise) you will also be awarded an official EPO certificate.

Información adicional
  • Curso impartido en inglés
  • Para que contabilice como actividad transversal y quede reflejado en el documento de actividades, los alumnos y las alumnas deben entregar el certificado proporcionado por los organizadores a la Escuela de Doctorado una vez concluida la actividad.
  • Dado el número limitado de plazas, se espera que aquellos estudiantes que se preinscriban y sean admitidos, asistan a la actividad formativa. Si no es posible la asistencia, se deberá anular la inscripción con la suficiente antelación. De no hacerlo así, se pondrá en conocimiento de los tutores, directores y Comisión Académica correspondientes, y se perderá la prioridad para inscribirse en las siguientes actividades transversales de doctorado.
  • La EDUAH garantiza la realización de un 5% de sus actividades transversales ofertadas en un curso académico a aquellos estudiantes que acrediten documentalmente un grado de discapacidad igual o superior al 33 %. El estudiantado en esta situación podrá acceder a una de las actividades ofertadas por la EDUAH atendiendo a esta circunstancia y podrán solicitar la admisión al resto de las actividades formativas transversales en igualdad de condiciones del resto de los estudiantes de doctorado.