Actividades formativas de doctorado
RI011Doctorate School of Engineering: Smart systems for Ambient Assisted Living - EUGLOH

Inscripción en:
(en este momento no hay plazo abierto para preinscripción en este curso)

Coordinación: Juan Jesús García Domínguez
Plazas ofertadas: 25
Duración: 25 horas     Tipo: Rama de conocimiento
Modalidad: Presencial

Lugar de impartición: Sala de Grados - School of Engineering (Escuela Politécnica Superior), University Campus
Campus Científico-Tecnológico

Fechas de impartición
13 January 2025 13:00 - 17 January 2025 15:00 (5 days, including 3 day-activities)

Descripción general

This school focuses on Smart Systems for Ambient Assisted Living. It will cover advanced topics related to utilizing technology to enhance the quality of life for elderly or disabled individuals within their living environments. These systems often integrate sensors, actuators, artificial intelligence, and communication technologies to monitor and assist with daily activities, health monitoring, and safety. The school will include lectures covering various aspects such as sensor technologies, data analysis techniques, machine learning algorithms, human-computer interaction, privacy and ethics considerations, and real-world implementation challenges. PhD students will have the opportunity to demonstrate the progress they are making in their doctoral thesis.

Participants will have the opportunity to learn from leading experts in the field, exchange ideas, and collaborate on innovative research projects aimed at improving the design, development, and deployment of smart systems for ambient assisted living.


Registration process

Steps to successfully registering before the deadline (November 17th):
- Step 1. Registration on Datres platform
- Step 2. Registration on EUGLOH website ( 




The Organizing Committee will organize the program based on the number of participants registered in each modality. 


Competencias básicas y capacidades

Key competencies developed by the activity:

    • Critical thinking: Develop your ability to engage in reflective reasoning and independent thinking. Analyze available facts, evidence, observations, and arguments to form a judgment.
    • Ethics & Responsability: Mature your capacity to reflect critically about moral values and direct your actions accordingly. Commit to behave responsibly and contribute to society's development and well-being.
    • Leadership & Social Impact: Acquire the ability to inspire and engage everyone around you. Get the support you need, through effective communication, persuasion, negotiation, and leadership. Seek opportunities for self-empowerment and for participatory citizenship.
    • Intercultural Skills: Explore how to benefit from the added value of diversity. Be able to create an inclusive environment in order to work and communicate effectively across cultures.
    • Creativity & Problem solving: Learn how to develop new ideas and opportunities to solve both new and old challenges.


The course will use a conference format with lectures (onsite/online), oral presentations (onsite/online), poster session (onsite) and discussion sessions (onsite). 


Selección de estudiantes

Abstract must be submitted

Participants  must specify their preference for an oral (online/onsite) or poster presentation in the abstract submitted during the application process, and thus to participate in all activities of the conference, or be limited to an online attendance

The maximum length of the abstract will be 1 page, including the title and keywords.

Información adicional

It is mandatory to attend 80% of the activity.