Tesis Doctorales de la Universidad de Alcalá
Autor/aYela Aranega, Alba
DepartamentoEconomía y Dirección de Empresas
Director/aSarabia Alegría, María
Codirector/aCastaño Sánchez, Rafael
Fecha de defensa07/09/2020
CalificaciónSobresaliente Cum Laude
ProgramaEconomía y Gestión Empresarial (RD 99/2011)
Mención internacionalNo
ResumenThe main objective that has encouraged the completion of this Doctoral Thesis has been the development and measurement of emotional skills. The studies have been carried out both in private companies and in Public Institutions. Some programs have been developed where two proposed tools are integrated: Mindfulness and Outdoor Training techniques, betting on the Experiential Learning of the individual and its effectiveness in obtaining the necessary data to complete three sub-objectives. Regarding the first sub-objective, an analysis of synthetic indicators is carried out to know the importance of both Emotional Intelligence and General Intelligence to achieve greater opportunities for professional development. To achieve the second established sub-objective, Outdoor Training and Mindfulness are integrated as tools that allow measuring the personal and interpersonal skills of undergraduate students and workers. It is observed that leadership abilities, teamwork, assumption of responsibilities and stress tolerance are the ones that need to be treated more carefully. Therefore, the third sub-objective is focused on developing programs adapted to the samples under study, where through the Outdoor Training and Mindfulness practice, it is possible to achieve improvements in self-management, self-control and awareness of the role, promoting a greater self-knowledge and intrapreneurship. In short, it is intended to analyze and develop individuals to achieve greater effectiveness in the execution of tasks. The tools proposed and implemented, once their effectiveness has been verified, serve as techniques to be used in the academic and work environment to detect the deficiency of undeveloped emotional competencies. Also for measuring the current capabilities of multidisciplinary teams, and developing and improving them to achieve greater productivity in any of the environments. The analyzes have revealed a correlation between self-knowledge and stress reduction. The quantitative results have shown a reduction of stress levels of 15%, an improvement in the management of emotions and the development of the ability to face problems and responsibilities through the practice of Mindfulness, thus improving the work environment. In conclusion, Mindfulness and Outdoor Training are valid techniques that measure and evaluate the key competencies of workers and students. They facilitate observing the performance of people within the organization and expedite the selection of candidates to provide them with greater professional development.